Tuesday, 20 July 2010

My Rucksack Philosophy

i am buying a rucksack. that big gigantic piece of polyester that swallows your back and make you look like half a turtle that hybrids with a launching Apolli (2 Appollo) rocket. this is my stamp of admission to a self-declaration to a the traveller's mantra.ethos.guide.bible.lifestyle.philosophy. i will breath the traveller's air, i will eat the travellers garb, i will drink the travellers topple, i will own the traveller's treasures (or lack thereof), i will be your traveller. that little voice inside that tells us to hop the next volcanic ashen plane to the top of mt kiliwhatisit. or just maybe that voice that urges us to take the swift turn to the unknown corner that unfortunately barred by jack the ripper. then saved by your knight in shining ford ranger in the name of policia. I didnt know that prince charming thrives in eastern europe.

because maybe. maybe the rules and norms and expectations of 2000 years of civilization had grounded our nomadic defaults. that maybe if we let ourselves free, our souls free, our spirits free, and our dreams free, maybe just maybe life pans out to a whole new dimension irregardless of race, money, status, or geoographical and social postcodes. That maybe embracing simplicity, instability, spontaneity, risks, and the unknown is the antithesis and the antidote for the basic causes of unhappiness. we are unhappy because we FAIL expectations, we DID NOT PASS THE MARK, deferred the loan payment, missed the mortgage, disappoint a lover, that we seem to be so much poorer than the rest of our friends, where in fact if you are reading this now which meant both me and you have access to the computer would probably make us richer than the half of the world. Angst, eh? No not all, i will reserve the sermons to the Sunday 10 am. I am merely a pauper traveller who's trying to change my rules of life. bar down expectations. declutter my closet. declutter my relationships. unclog my arteries. wash my dishes. earn a pound, save a penny. laugh a lot. the world is simple. and im planning to make mine simpler. which i think is the most difficult part if half your society gives a misleading criteria and time-bomb for happiness. and the other half is so busy barring down other people's attempts(and misattempts) to be happy.

Grab a rucksack, have a gulp of water.there is a long way ahead. I feel priviled to have a 100-year lease to mama earth. so come with me as i rediscover tidbits everyday as i will shamelesslye live down or up to my "bar down expectations, lean my baggage, declutter my relationship, unclog my arteries, wash my dishes, earn a pound, save a penny" ethos. Dont worry mom, i plan to keep renting my flat, and stil to moisturize.. Then now I fear I would realize something. The most unorthodox and ironic eureka. That I will be happy being unsuccessful in the measures and weigh-ins of the society. i only want to live. would that be too selfish and too simple?

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